30 years of RBB Business advisors at the Maillol Museum

30 years

In the year 2012 the RBB firm celebrates 30 years. The firm RBB Business advisors was founded in 1982 in Paris.

RBB has developed over the years a number of specializations in various accounting standards including:

  • Assistance to the establishment of subsidiaries of foreign companies
  • Assistance to production reporting to the parent companies of these subsidiaries
  • Monitoring of innovative companies with high development
  • RBB remains independent of major networks formed, which gives it a real asset, total freedom of action to better serve its customers, responsiveness and professionalism.


To celebrate its 30 years, RBB privatized the Maillol Museum and organized a cultural event of choice by offering its numerous guests a private tour of the exhibition “CANALETTO IN VENICE” outstanding exhibition because essentially paintings from private collections .

30 years canaletto

This exhibition was a special time during which the master did enjoy his view of the city through his brush. Places, islands, places, monuments, the bends of channels, vedute of a city that still retains the charm of the eighteenth century.

30 years canaletto_-_the_grand_canal_and_the_church_of_the_salute-1-_l

In collaboration with the Soprintendenza al Polo Museale Venice, the Musée Maillol allowed, thanks to Dario Maran studies and the skill of Venetian master craftsmen to rebuild the facsimile of the optical chamber used by Canaletto to make his drawings .

Strengthening International

On this occasion, RBB has announced the launch of a new independent European network of accounting, audit and consulting, RBB International, and the opening of two offices abroad, RBB RBB Luxembourg and New- York.

RBB International brings in major European countries and the US independent firms, mostly from Big 4, covering the complete accountancy offering, auditing and consulting.

This network allows both to respond very quickly to any issues of legal, accounting, tax, or investment that a company may have in the context of international development, to accompany in this development, and serve single entry point to cover their operations in several countries.